4 Ways to Become Better at Saving

Saving is a difficult task especially for people who fall for spending a few extra bucks here and there. This routine can hinder you from reaching your savings goal in the long run. However, a few minor changes in your daily life can have an enormous impact on the amount of money you can save by the end of every month. Here are some breakthrough tips that will help you save a significant amount of money and get you on the prodigious saving track.

1. Do Away with Debt

Monthly payments of debt take away a good chunk of your income. After paying debts, there is usually little income left behind for saving. To save your income from getting robbed by debts, a proper debt reduction strategy must be put in place. From paying the smallest debt first and moving on to the largest debt, the debt snowball method can prove to be very effective here. Once you cut the debts, a significant portion of your income gets freed up so you can gradually progress to meet your monthly saving goals.

2. Streamline Your Grocery Shopping

You may find yourself in a grocery store having your cart filled with things you may not need. Too many snacks or some cosmetic items you didn’t need, eats a major part of your grocery budget and you end up paying more than planned. The habit of impulse buying can prove to be very damaging to your budget and saving goals. Most people blow up their monthly budget by overspending at grocery stores. Hence, it’s essential to prepare a grocery list before going grocery shopping and stick to it. Limit your time at the store and make sure you only go to the relevant departments to avoid unnecessary strolling. If you bring kids to the shopping who may insist on buying things, not on your list, be firm and say no. While waiting at the checkout line, resist the urge to pick any stuff displayed there which may tempt you. Also, it’s wise to prepare a meal plan for every week and have a good look in your pantry to know precisely what you need and what you already have for the meal preparations. These little measures can truncate the grocery bills and have a significant positive impact on your savings.

3. Cut Down on Energy Bills

Every month, in summers specifically, a good amount of income is spent on energy bills. However, with technological advancements, there are many ways by which you can save the cost of bills. These include minor changes like installing CFL or LED bulbs in your home. These energy-efficient bulbs consume less energy and work longer than regular bulbs. Unplug all the devices when they are not in use, and make sure to turn off extra lights or fans when you are leaving the room. You may also try using timers in the appliances so that after a particular time they automatically shut off.

4. Don’t Buy instead DIY!

Before you head out to purchase something you need, do a little research and see if you can make it yourself at home. In the world of YouTube and Pinterest, many DIY tutorials are available to guide you to make pretty much everything you need. And what is even better, it’s a perfect use of your free time and can make up for a great hobby. All you need is some tools and your creativity to make almost anything you want. From baking to making decorative pieces, the choices are endless. And you never know, you may become so good in your DIY that you might take it up as your new venture.

Adopting healthy financial habits will let your saving goals take precedence over your current wants. If these tips are followed consistently, they can help you alter your spending patterns for good and boost your savings tremendously.



Nadia Hassan Sadiq - 80326/TCHR/BKGKG

Teacher, Content Creator, Mom blogger and a Tea lover Mommy.