3 Reasons Why you should start Investing Today!

Most people consider investing but, often defer the decision based on mere assumptions. Today we will look at some breakthrough reasons which will not only change your perception about investing but will surely convince you to invest soon. So, let’s see why you should start investing today;

1. Investment lets you Control your Future

The investment gives you the authority to control your future. By investing your amount in the right place, you get the chance to secure your future. At one point of time in life, you are eventually going to stop working and at that point, a continuous flow of income is essential to keep your life running. But what if you have no support plan in place? The investment made today will help you at that time of life when you will quit your work life. When you make wise decisions regarding investments today, you will not have to worry about maintaining your expenses in the future. A continuous stream of returns from your investment will give you the liberty to enjoy your retired life in a peaceful and carefree manner and will let you enjoy the finer things in life without any worries. Also, the investment will make you independent without relying on anyone to support you at later stages of life. You create a way to become self-reliant without even have to step out for a 9–5 office life. Investing helps you achieve that financial freedom where you can choose to stop working whenever you want to instead of when you need to.

2. Investment lets you Keep up with the Inflation

Inflation is the periodic increase in prices of goods and services of common use while a decrease in purchasing power of money. The inflation rate is dependent on many external factors but, no matter what the reasons are, it is inevitable. Therefore, if you invest smartly today, you can curb the effects of inflation in your daily life. By finding opportunities to invest in places that promise higher returns, the price hike will not impact you negatively. Today, the interest rate given by most banks may not be enough to provide an income stream that surpasses the current inflation rate. So, it’s wise to consider multiple options for investments that are likely to outperform the rate of inflation. When you invest, you can expect consistent returns depending on how much you have invested and for how long. Hence, investing is an excellent option if you want to keep pace with rising inflation.

3. There is no Perfect Time than Today for Investment

Many people put off the idea of investment thinking that it’s not the right time. Some people believe that the market is not lucrative or they need to save more before finally taking up the investment decision. Whereas, some people think that an investment should be made at an older stage in life. But, none of it stands true when it comes to making an investment decision. There is no perfect time for investment except NOW! Investment is not a thing for old age. Even if you are in your 20’s with some savings in your hand, investing it will give you prolific returns. The sooner you put your money at work, the more lucrative returns you can expect in the long term. It’s better than keeping your savings in the account or just spending them. A study shows that 40% of the people suffer loss only due to procrastinating the investment decision. The later you invest, the more opportunities you miss, and the earlier you invest, the better returns you can expect.

These were some important reasons why you should start investing today. The time that has gone, can’t be changed however, you can take control of your future from now onwards. No matter where you stand in life at the moment, you should start investing right now and begin to change the course of your future for the better.



Nadia Hassan Sadiq - 80326/TCHR/BKGKG

Teacher, Content Creator, Mom blogger and a Tea lover Mommy.